Naomh Ultan

Founded 1974


Healthy Clubs

In September 2023, we received official recognition that are our club has achieved a Gold Healthy Club status in the Irish Life GAA Healthy Clubs programme. Our club's policies, partners, activities and environment are aligned with supporting the holistic health our of members and community.

A huge congratulations to all the dedicated individuals within our club and community who actively participated in and contributed to our Healthy Clubs Programme.
We would like to extend a special acknowledgment to Peter McFarlane, our Health & Wellbeing Officer and Healthy Clubs Ambassador during this period, for his outstanding commitment and contributions to the program over the past couple of years!

As part of the Irish Life GAA Healthy Club Project, it is Naomh Ultan's role to promote healthy habits and mindsets in all aspects of health, both physical and mental to our community. The GAA Community have created some great infographics in regard to healthy eating and hydration.

Remember, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Clubs!

While promoting the above messages, it is important to understand the responsibilities of players in regard to the GAA's Anti-doping policies. A reminder that it is your body and your responsibility!



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